The Fidelis Memorial was unveiled on 10 August 1975 - a year after the loss of the vessel & its crew. The four men set off for on a fishing trip on Saturday 10 August 1974 and were expected back late afternoon. The alarm was raised late in the day and two unsuccessful air searches were carried out that evening. A huge search and rescue mission swung into action the following day, both air and on land. Finally, on Monday 12 August, the crew of an RNZAF Dakota spotted the partly submerged Fidelis. The Taranaki Herald reported the following day that the search "had gripped South Taranaki' with the community fully engaged in trying to locate any possible survivors.
By the end of the week none of the men had been found, but divers were being employed in the search and shore-side vigils were in place.
On 18 August 1974 nearly 800 people attended a memorial service for the men held at the Hāwera Community Centre.
A plaque was also unveiled at Hāwera High School in memory of Mr Wally Hawe, a former teacher. (Taranaki Photo News Vo. 19 #10 October 1975)
Fifty years on from the tragedy, descendants of the men gathered at Ohawe Beach to remember the men lost that day.
The plaque reads:
This monument is erected
to the memory of the
crew of the Fidelis
fishing boat lost at sea
off Ohawe Beach 10th
August 1974 and to pay
tribute to the sustained
and exhaustive efforts
by so many people for
the missing men
[In memory of
Wallis (Wally) Puano Hawe
Tangata Tutai (Tai) Eraio
Haki (Jack)Tangira Skipper
Earl Te Maungu Parata]
E whakamaharatanga tenei
mo nga tangata i ngaro
irunga ite Fidelis ite
moana i Ohawe tekau nga
ra o Akuhata 1974. E tohu
aroha hoki ki nga iwi katoa
i whakapou i o ratou
whakaaoro ite kimi i o
ratou tinana. Nui atu te
whakamoemiti ki a ratou.
Kua akatuia teia toka
akamaaraanga no te au
tangata toko a tei ngaro
i roto i te poti Fidelis
i Ohawe Beach i ra 10
Aukute 1974 e pera katoa kia
akameitaki ia te maatanga
o te au tangata te
tauturu i te kimianga. I te
tuatau o te tumatetenga
Haere e tama ma ki o koutou tipuna, haere ki to tatou ariki,
nana nei tatou i hanga, a, nana ano i tiki mai, kia whakapainga tona ingoa
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