This rimu tree was planted by Polly Kopu, Florinda Lambert, Brendan Schreiber and Jordan Ngawaipatu on the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the township. (Daily News 23 January 2000)

A plaque on a boulder alongside is inscribed:

Inglewood - 125 Years

This rimu tree was planted by

Aunty Polly Kopu

Florinda Lambert

Brendan Schreiber

Jordan Ngawaipatu

to commemorate the 125th anniversary

of the founding of the town.

Saturday 22nd January 2000

The site is reputed to be near that of the rimu stump on which a bottle of champagne was broken on 22 January 1875 to 'christen' the township. 

Related Information


Champagne cork (Puke Ariki collection)


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