Two bridges on the Bedford Road North, Inglewood - one over the Waionganaiti and the other over an un-named tributary - were constructed in reinforced concrete in the early 1920s.

The most southern of the bridges - over the un-named tributary -  and "near Mr Brereton's" [Lots 1 & 2 DP454435] was begun in November 1920 "The necessary steel having come to hand, a start has been made with the construction of the ferro-concrete bridge on the Bedford Road...." (TDN 10 Nov 1920 p.8)

The northern bridge, of similar design - and over the Waionganaiti Stream proper - was probably constructed soon after.

Geoff Thornton in Bridging the Gap attributes the design of these - and other concrete bridges in the area - to the engineer E C Robinson but the construction of the Waionganaiti ones was supervised by the newly-formed Inglewood County Council's engineer, C S Whiteside.

Further Reading

Bridging the Gap

Geoffery Thornton, 2001


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