These gates at the Morley Street entrance to Western Park were erected in 1922. Plans for new gates here were prepared by local architect, Frank Messenger, in 1908. However, they were apparently never erected (Brian Beer, 2015 pers comm). 

The ironwork gates themselves - the ones shown here are 1970s replacements - were funded by the Western Park committee and Alice Brown Honeyfield who was also responsible for the Regina Place drinking fountain, Fitzroy School war memorial gates and Te Henui Cemetery gates as well as several other gifts. They were finally installed in 1927. (TDN 9 June 1927 p.8)

The riverstone pillars and wall up Morley Street were designed by Frank L. Hartnell and completed in 1922 (Brian Beer, 2015 pers comm).

The Paul Memorial gates on the Cutfield Road entrance to Western Park and Churchill Heights are of similar design.

The gates featured in Kelvin Day's "Of passing interest" series. 


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