The original portion of this house was probably constructed during 1876 by William Dale Snr and added to by later owners.

William Dale purchased Sections 72, 73 and 74 of the Hua & Waiw[h]akaiho Hundred from W. James during March 1876. It is unlikely that there was a house on the property at the time of purchase, and that the original portion of the present house (the southern board and batten clad Saltbox cottage portion) was likely constructed by or for William soon after his purchase of the property.

A native of Birmingham, William emigrated to New Zealand and married Mary Ann Taylor at Auckland during 1868; the couple would go on to have five children together. 

Tragedy struck the Dale family on 25 July 1878, when William Snr was killed whilst clearing bush on the farm. The inquest into William's death concluded that it was likely that a strong south-easterly blew over a fern tree (Mamaku) which also brought down a large Mahoe, both seemingly landing on top of William and killing him instantly. The inquest noted that William's health had been in decline for some time, but that he was still able to carry out work on the farm. William is buried at the Inglewood Cemetery. 

Following William's death, it seems his widow and children continued to manage the farm for a time, however, by October 1879 the farm of 240 acres, of which 60 acres was 'laid down in grass', was advertised for let by solicitor Gervase D. Hamerton, who appears to have been looking after William's estate on behalf of Mary Ann. 

It is currently unclear who the farm was let to, but it remained in the Dale family until 1894, when the property was subdivided into three smaller lots. 

See: Taranaki Land Deeds Index I4 page 518; Taranaki Herald, 1 August 1878, page 2Taranaki Herald, 16 October 1879, page 3

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