This attractive bungalow was constructed for the newly married Victor and Dorothy (nee Ruebe) Davies in 1921-22 - the architect and builder are currently unknown.

The couple were married on 21 February 1922 and lived in the house for the entirety of their married lives - they also raised their children, Brenda, Colleen, Trevor. Ngaire and Neville, in the house.

Victor Davies purchased a 5-acre block of land alongside Elliott Road (now Tukapa Street) in August 1920. The land comprised part of Section 40 Fitzroy District and part Section 39 Grey District. Davies subdivided the land adjacent to Elliott Road in May 1921, building his own house on Lot 10.  

See: Jellyman, Alan. The Growing World of Duncan and Davies: A Horticultural History 1899-2010. Sir Victor Davies Foundation: New Plymouth, 2010

Related items:

Taranaki Land Deed Index I4 331 and I14 Page 240. (Archives New Zealand)

Taranaki DP4168 Sheet 1 (1921)ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

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