This large two storied villa was probably constructed around 1899, with the architect likely Frank Messenger - many of the exterior features are consistent with other Messenger designed two-story villas, especially the double-hung sash windows with divided upper panes.

The building may have been occupied by the Newman's from about 1900, with Walter Louis Newman, Commission Agent, first appearing in the Stone's Street Directory at this location in 1900. The New Plymouth Borough Council Rates Book for 1900-01, lists Newman as the ratepayer for Town Sections 21 and 42, and notes that a house (the present villa), was located on the property; it had a rather high rateable value of £50.

A newspaper advertisement from 1915 for a home help still lists the Newman's living at 30 (old street numbering), Hine Street.

The building also appears in the background of a 1904 Charles Blomfield painting of the New Plymouth foreshore held by Puke Ariki.

Related plans:

Taranaki DP198 Sheet 1 (1889), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

Taranaki DP3000 Sheet 1 (1911), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

Taranaki DP8347 Sheet 1 (1957), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

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