PHO2008_075.jpg Edgar Roy Brewster's 'Norian NO RIght ANgles' house (1950s). Collection of Puke Ariki (PHO2008-075).

A visionary in the most extraordinary of senses, Edgar Roy Brewster's Westown home was the epitome of unique. Edgar and his wife Nettie's 'Norian NO RIght ANgles' house was in every way hexagonal, triangular or diamond-shaped. Even the corners were cut off the pictures they hung in their home. Edgar was inspired by the humble bee, modelling every aspect of his domestic life on the small creature.

This photograph shows Edgar and Nettie lovingly tending their garden, set amongst hexagonal paving stones. As is often the way with visionaries, however, Edgar's idea for the perfect house and accompanying way of life was not shared by the people of New Plymouth. Subsequently, after the auspicious date 6/6/66 he dismantled his Norian home.

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