The first Methodist (Wesleyan) Church on this site in Hutchins Street was moved from Belt Road in New Plymouth in 1875, with local parishioners quickly contributing £50 for the project. Once on the site, it was enlarged at a cost of £150 and a transept added in 1882, at a cost of £275.

This was then replaced by the church above, which was opened for worship on 11 February, 1904. The first services were conducted by Revs. J.N. Buttle and W. Cannell, together with the Rev I.J. Garlick. On Sunday, 17 February 1904, a special service was held by Rev. C. Porter of Hāwera.

It appears the design of the church was based on sketch plans drawn by Mr Ernest Wickham. The lowest tender, from Wickham Bros. for £447, was accepted.

In 1986 a large foyer was added to the front of the church.

The final service was held in 2015 and the following year the property was offered for sale. (Taranaki Daily News 24 August 2016) 

Related documents:

History-Dates-Events (Timeline)Waitara Methodist Church 125th Jubilee 1875-2000.

God's house goes under the sale hammer (Taranaki Daily News 24 August 2016)



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