This memorial to L-Corp Percy Gerald Espiner (WWI 62037) Memorial is located in the Manaia Cemetery. 

Above the inscription sits a sheathed sword, belt and hangers at the apex of memorial and beneath there is the remnant of a small inset bronze plaque which has been roughly removed.

Espiner has no known grave but is recorded on the Grevillers Memorial, France.

Although this memorial is in Manaia where his parents lived, Percy Gerald Espiner of Rowan is named only on the Eltham War Memorial.


In Loving Memory of

L-Corp Percy Gerald Espiner

31st Reinforcements,

Killed in Action in France, 12thSept 1918

Aged 22 Years and 6 Months

For His Country’s Sake


Not Dead to us We loved Him So

Not Lost but Gone Before

He Lives with Us in Memory Still

And Will Forevermore


In a Distant Land He Lies

At Rest in A Soldier’s Grave

His Battle Fought, His Name Enrolled

On the Scroll of the Deathless Brave

A Lonely Grave in a Far-off Land

A Grave We May Never See,

But While Life and Memory Last

We Will Remember Thee.


Erected by His Loving Mother, Brothers & Sisters


Charles Espiner

Born 10th Nov 1892, Died 10th Nov 1892

Gordon Ronald

Born 27th June 1896, Died 16th Feb 1900

Norman Bruce

Born 27th June 1902, Died 9th Sept 1902

Sleeping With the Lord

Related Information


Percy Gerald Espiner, Military Personnel File (Archives New Zealand)


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