This monument to soldiers of the 40th Regiment, also known as the Puketakauere NZ Wars memorial, was erected by the New Zealand Government at the behest of Edith Statham in the historic cemetery on McLean Street in Waitara, opposite what is now the War Memorial Hall. The black granite obelisk was unveiled on 24 June 1915 by local Member of Parliament W. T. Jennings and records the names of 34 imperial troops who died in attacks on Puketakauere pā and Matarikoriko pā in 1860.

Lieutenant Charles Francis Brooke is the only soldier to have an individually marked grave in the cemetery, likely due to his status as an officer and role as Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Sir Thomas Pratt. Brooke's cenotaph and memorial to others killed at Puketakauere whose bodies were not recovered was presumably erected in 1860-61 and is located behind the 1915 memorial.

Front face:
They / live in memory / by / their deeds / Erected / by the New Zealand Government / 1915 / To perpetuate the memory of the / brave men who fell in the / attack on Puketakauere Pah / on June 27th 1860 / And also those / who fell at the attack on Kairau, / on the 29th December 1860.

Right side:
40th Regiment of the line / (“Fighting 40th.”) / Somerset Regiment. / 2nd Battalion Lancaster Regiment

Rear face:
Lest we forget / Killed at Kairau 29th December 1860 / A. Broome: A.B. of H.M.S. Pelorus / Private M. Lehane 40th Regt. / [Private] J. Chinnery.

Left side:
Lieut. Brooks [sic]
Sergt. O’Callaghan
Corpl. Samuel McBurney
Corp. David Vahey
[Corporal] Edward Ryan
Gunner W. Weir (Royal Artillery)


Patrick Broderick  Thomas Dumphey
Wm. Hickey  J. Douglas
Walter Scott  Patrick Fagan
John Downes  Samuel Alroy
W.F. Perry  James Gore
John Webber  John Fillingham
Wm. Hayes  H.E. Martyn
T. Byrne  J. Allen
Archibald McCann  Peter McCabe
Wm. Cliff  Edw. G. Harris
T. Gill  Geo. Marsden
Wm. Markham  Francis Robinson
J. Macguire  


Brooke grave:
In memory of / Charles Francis Brooke / for some time Aid-de-Camp to / Major General Sir Thomas S. Pratt K.C.B. / commanding the forces / also of the non-commissioned officers / and men of the 40th Regt. who fell bravely / performing their duty during the war of / 1860–61, some of whom lie interred in this / spot and others in the Waitara District. / Also of Lieut. Denis Jackson 40th Regt. / who fell in action in front of Huirangi / 25th Jan. 1861.          

Related Information


Soldiers' graves - letter to the editor (Taranaki Herald 13 March 1882)


Soldiers' graves - answering letter to the editor (Taranaki Herald 16 March 1882)


Puketakauere NZ Wars memorial (New Zealand History)


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