Huatoki_St new.jpg Huatoki Street sign (2013). Mike Gooch. Word on the street image collection.

Huatoki Street is named after the stream in the valley it traverses and follows. The Maori word "Huatoki" can be translated in a number of ways. Some suggest that a literal translation of "many or plentiful adzes" could refer to the availability of suitable stones for adzes in the stream. Alternatively others suggest it is a corruption of Hua tītoki referring to the many tītoki trees that are abundant in the valley.  Another translates the word to mean "plenty of worms", although that seems more of a long shot in association with this area.

Prior to 1946, the section of road adjacent to the Huatoki Tennis Club was an extension of Doralto Road and the part adjacent to Vogeltown School heading north was known as Smith Street. In 1946 local Vogeltown residents requested that these be renamed as a single street and Huatoki Street was born. 

Huatoki Street is notable for its domain, which is embedded in the sport and recreational history of the area. Among the attractions of the domain are the Huatoki Tennis Club and Huatoki Walkway. From 1929 the residents of Vogeltown and neighbouring schools enjoyed a picturesque swimming pool on the stream. However the pool closed in the 1960's due to increasing pollution of the Huatoki Stream. An unsuccessful attempt to reopen it was made in the 1980s. The concrete remains of the pool are still visible today.

This story was originally published in the Taranaki Daily News.

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