York_Cres1.jpg York Crescent sign (2014). Mike Gooch. Word on the street image collection.

On the face of it, this name would seem to have a link to the north of England, but again it is taken from a street with the same name in the city of Plymouth.

The naming process was not without its headaches. The developer of the subdivision, a Mr. P. George, had suggested either York Crescent or Russell Street. When the City Council met to decide, in October 1955, there was a preference for York.

So a motion was put by Councillor Wood and seconded by Councillor Dean who felt, as a Yorkshire man, that “anything York would have his approval”! It would seem then that, however small, the decision did have a connection to the north of England.

It was pointed out by the Town Clerk that there was already a York Terrace and it might cause some confusion, although it was not an official street and was actually part of Pendarves Street.

The mayor, Mr.Hill, said,”Terrace residents might be hurt by the creation of a York Crescent”. Councillor Wood dismissed this since he couldn’t see why they would be hurt if York Terrace didn’t actually exist.

Hill persevered saying that the council had tried to avoid repeating names. He asked whether anyone had received any mail addressed to York Terrace, but was greeted only with silence.

Councillor (Dr) Allen tried to move a compromise by amending the resolution to accept Russell Crescent, but couldn’t get a seconder.  So the original motion went to the vote and York Crescent became an official street on the slimmest of margins, three votes for and two against.

I wonder whether residents today might feel differently about their street if it where Russell Street or Russell Crescent?

This story was originally published in the Taranaki Daily News.

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