Now located adjacent to the Highlands Intermediate School pool, this building was originally constructed in 1913 as the original Waingongoro School in South Taranaki; the construction cost of the school was £249. In 1943, following a falling roll, the Waingongoro School was closed and the Taranaki Education Board's architect was asked to investigate the possibility of relocating the building to Cardiff School. 

The move to Cardiff School never eventuated, and in 1947 it was relocated to Fitzroy Primary School to be used as a temporary classroom to house additional pupils. Fitzroy's roll increased following the merger with Hillsborough School in 1943 and Tārurutangi in 1944. Whilst at Fitzroy School, the building was located at the rear of the original school hall, at the western end of the school grounds. When no longer required as a temporary classroom, it seems the building housed the school library.

In 1974 when the building was no longer required at Fitzroy School, it was relocated to Highlands Intermediate, where it was positioned a little further down the hill and used as part of the schools camping programme. In the 1990s the building was moved yet again, this time just a short distance closer to the pool.

The style of the building is typical of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century rural Taranaki school classrooms. It is thought the building may have originally been clad in rusticated weatherboards; however these have at some stage been completely removed and replaced with corrugated steel. 

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