This two-storey residence at 83 Brougham Street was built in 1924 for James John Lomas (1881-1958), the owner of the 'Kash' Menswear. New Plymouth architect Thomas H. Bates was responsible for this house and also designed the Kash's Devon Street retail premises.

A permit for a house on Town Section 763, Brougham Street, was granted to J. J. Lomas by the New Plymouth Borough Council on 19 November 1923. Frank Amoore was the builder/contractor, and the estimated construction cost was £2600. 

One of four neighbouring homes constructed by Amoore on Town Sections 763 and 764 in 1923-24: 83 Brougham Street, 85 Brougham Street, 7 Hempton Street and 9 Hempton Street.

Related items:

Lomas Residence (Former), 83 Brougham Street New Plymouth, Draft Heritage Assessment (Hamish Crimp, 2019)

NPDC CBD Heritage Inventory Entry for 83 Brougham Street.

83 Brougham Street for sale (Taranaki Daily News 17 Aug 2013)


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