This cottage was likely constructed by/for George Blyde as a rental property about 1904-05, and certainly before 1906.

Whiteley Township is located on what was originally Wesleyan/Methodist Mission Land, with the area encompassing much of present-day Moturoa Township known as the 'Mission Farm'. In 1878 plans were drawn for the subdivision of much of the land into smaller leasehold allotments - however this subdivision was, for unknown reasons, delayed until 1902.

The sale was postponed twice during 1902, and it wasn't until the 20th of November that the auction of the leases (for 21 years with right of renewal) for the initial 65 allotments on the northern side of South Road was eventually held; the auctioneer was Newton King. The leases for all 65 allotments were sold, with the lease of number 83 purchased by George Blyde for £4 15s.

It seems Blyde's intention was to purchase the lease of the property as an investment, with his residence, constructed sometime during the early 1900s, located nearby on the present site of 19 Roy Terrace, Ahuroa Township. 

In October 1903 the goodwill of lease of Section 83 Whiteley Township was advertised for sale by auction - the sale doesn't appear to have proceeded, with Blyde continuing to hold the lease for the property, and probably constructing the present cottage soon after.

The cottage was constructed by early-February 1906, with Blyde advertising for let a "5-roomed house, bathroom, and washouse, Whiteley Township" - this almost certainly refers to the present cottage, as Section 83 was the only section leased by Blyde in Whiteley Township.

The St Aubyn Town District Valuation Roll for 1908-1914 notes that Blyde was the owner of lot 83 of Whiteley Township, and that when valued on 31 March 1908, the property had a capital value of £316 and a house (almost certainly the current dwelling) was present.

By 2024 this cottage had been extensively renovated into a two-story dwelling with another dwelling added at the rear of the property.



Deposited Plan 1792


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